Mengapa ke Singapura ?

Oh! There’s so many reasons you shouldn’t visit Singapore!

Firstly, we’re only a small island with not much natural beauty to show you! We’re just your typical concrete urban jungle; skyscrappers are around you no matter where you are, be it downtown or uptown in the neighborhoods!

Secondly, our weather is awful! Being in the equator, our summers are scorching hot and the humidity doesn’t help as well! If you like it cool or cold, this isn’t the place for you! Your ice-cream will melt within a minute!

Thirdly, being a small island, car ownership is very expensive and so, every one gets by with public transport. If you’re claustrophobic, our public transport isn’t for you, especially in the morning and evening!

Fourth, we have CCTVs every where! If you’re afraid of being tracked by the government for safety and security related purposes, yeah, Singapore isn’t the place for that too!

Singaporeans can be quite cold too! We live in a fast-paced society and with the scorching heat, you’ll either see us walking fast towards the nearest shelter or walking quickly to and fro work.

If you’re coming to visit Singapore to see if you’d like to relocate here, think again! Singaporeans are growing more xenophobic each year as immigration grows in quantity. If you don’t want to see this sight, look away!

Or maybe, you don’t like it when people act selfish around you, like when we place tissue paper packets on the table to reserve them?


If you’re going to skip Singapore because of the points above and others that you might be aware of, well, that sucks!

These are just minor things in our every day Singapore life!

Of course, if you suffer from any mental or physical ailments which may be triggered by the points above, by all means, visit Singapore carefully!

We have some of the greatest food and you can find them conveniently at Makansutra and Lau Pa Sat downtown!

We have a beautiful skyline to share with all of you which really materializes how much Singapore has progressed and we have some attractive tourists attractions too!

Singapore Skyline with Singapore Flyer (right)

Gardens by the Bay

Singapore Zoo

Singapore Night Safari

Pulau Ubin

Orchard Road in Christmas

Jewel@Changi Airport

You know what? Take back whatever I said earlier!

You should definitely come and visit beautiful sunny Singapore!

Though… make sure you bring enough cash! Singapore can be quite expensive for tourists! 😉


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