If your country had to have a second capital, which city would it be and why?

Pakistan’s current capital is Islamabad, located in the foothills of the Himalayas. A city of about 1 million residents. What makes Islamabad unique is that it is a modern planned city in contrast to many of Pakistan’s chaotic and historical cities.

Islamabad, Pakistan’s capital city.

If Pakistan were to have a second capital city, it would probably be Karachi. It is also known as the city of lights. Karachi served as Pakistan’s first capital city after independence in 1947 till 1958.

The issue with Karachi is that it is plagued by a myriad of problems. These range from previous lawlessness, pollution, chaos, high population density, etc. If Karachi were to be the capital again, the easiest way to go about it would be to make a new city on the outskirts of Karachi as the new capital. This would be a part of the greater Karachi, while at the same time being free of the problems that plague the main city. This would allow the new capital to function similar to how Islamabad does now. It would be a new planned and modern capital city within the city of Karachi.

Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city.

Another way to go about it would be to choose Multan, a city about mid-way between the north and the south. Multan is also the most ancient city within Pakistan. The problem with Multan is that it faces many of the same problems as Karachi or Lahore. My biggest problem with choosing Multan would be the heat.

Multan, the oldest city in Pakistan.

Sumber, Quora ,Abubakr (احمد ابوبکر)‎'s answer to What city in your country has the oldest history


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