A few days ago, ok maybe a week ago saudi arabia released a G20 currency to show their saudi arabian presidency

This currency was released by the Saudi arabian monetary authority, in the back it showed the world , but if you look closely India, pakistan, and china

It is shown Jammu and Kashmir as an independent nation( including POK)

Now Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India, including POK and aksai Chin, now its happy for the indian side that Saudi does not recognize the illegal occupation of POK, but It shows eastern part of India The Seven Sisters a part of China, also Ladakh has been shown as part of China

Now it is the Indians who are more angry because you took 2 of our major parts that we have gained and claimed as an integral part

what am i saying?? i am stupid you need the photo

take a look

smaller than expected. but just click it and you will get it

Now the Indian side has raised concern just because indo- saudi relations are thriving with the KSA promsing over 100bn dollars of investments on India

Glad this is not a real Map


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